Church San Rocco


It was built after the plague of 1656 to thank the saint of Montpellier for having escaped the epidemic. In 1773 it was rebuilt and enlarged in 1952 and was restored and painted with oil paint. After the earthquake of 1980. The church was rebuilt recovering the Romanesque style, with nave and two aisles. You lost the old altar, the picture below the ceiling, painted by Francesco De Ponte in 1912, depicting the Crowned with St. Rocco and St. Vitus and the statue of St. Francis Xavier. San Rocco is the patron of Morra and a parchment of 1666 we find that in those days, on August 23, the day is celebrated in Morra S. Rocco, the people proceeded to the election of two mayors. After the reconstruction of the church and the adjacent square have changed in appearance. It was necessary to do a fake facade that resembles a bit ‘of the old, but much higher, because the galleries that were built on the aisles. The square, which was at one with the road, was raised in front of the church. It was traditional in ancient times the farmers, the feast day of St. Vitus brought the animals to do three laps around the church to protect them from rabies. It remained the tradition of blessing the rolls to then feed the animals.

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