
Opened in June 2007, in the local town hall, the exhibition focuses on objects found in the necropolis in the…

Church San Rocco

It was built after the plague of 1656 to thank the saint of Montpellier for having escaped the epidemic. In…

The mill

Torella has always enjoyed the presence of many water sources , more important is that of the river Ofanto ,…

Church S. Eustachio

The Church of St. Eustace was built inside the castle and is probably the oldest of the church of Santa…

Torre di Girifalco

It is probably the oldest part of the town of Torella, the name comes from the German word Geirfalk, ie…

Il Museo di Torella

Welcomed in the halls of the castle is connected to the guided tour of the local scenes with graphite, towers…

Church Santa Maria del Carmelo

Eighteenth-century , it was attached to the convent of the Carmelites in 1652. He suppressed plant semicroce Greek since 1888…

Croce dei li Chiani

It dates back to 1583 and stands in front of the house Roina . Seriously damaged during the removal of…

Chiesa di San Michele

In 1559 the family Menna built a chapel in honor of St. Michael the Archangel . The heirs , around…