Chiesa di San Giacomo

Built around the sixteenth century , the church is enclosed in single aisle and vaulted ceilings, presents various architectural elements…

La Cattedrale di Bisaccia

The ancient Byzantine cathedral stood in the area between Old Largo Campanile and via Old Bishopric. Destroyed by the earthquakes…

La Chiesa di Sant’Antonio da Padova

The church dedicated to the patron saint of the country, is located in Piazza Convent, should go back to the…

Palazzo Rollo

It is one of the highest buildings in the city , a symbol of the artistic tendencies of the nineteenth…

Il Palazzo Capaldo

Here he was born the senator of the Kingdom of Italy and President of the Supreme Court Peter Capaldo .…

Museo polimediale

It is an innovative museum that takes advantage of new technologies such as touch screens and smartphone applications to let…

Palazzo delle suore (Ex Asilo Regina Margherita)

The palace houses , from August 2015 to the Museum of polimediale Lotte Peasant Alta Irpinia ( Municipality of Bisaccia…

Chiesa dei Morti

It was built in 1680 on the ruins of the Church of St. John the Baptist . Following the collapse…

Palazzo Maffei

It belongs to one of the most important families of Bisaccia , whose greatest exponent du Francesco Maffei . still…