Torella Castle, which stands on a hill at 667 m above sea level, takes its name from the last family that owned it, the principles of Candriano Ruspoli. Because of its strategic location was inhabited since the Middle Ages by a first agglomerate went accrescendosi more.
Following the inhabitants of Girifalco they began to flow towards the nearby castle of Torella, because fortified and therefore safer. The first construction dates back to 850 A.D. when the Lombards built a wooden fort which was destroyed by the weather following the division of the Principality of Benevento. In Norman it was built on a bank of sandstone, a stone tower (donjon), cylindrical opus cement, curtains within blocks of limestone, and in random length, according to the technique of the Roman tradition.
The earthquake the castle suffered extensive damage but the walls resisted, while remaining in jeopardy because of the collapse of the roofs and upper floors. In 1993-1997 he was affected by restoration work respected the original structure; archaeologist Marcello Rotili directed archaeological research publishing in the book “Archaeology of post-classical in Torella dei Lombardi-research in the castle Candriano (1993-1997)” report of the investigation.
Servizi Castello Ruspoli – Gastronomy –