Chiesa di San Giacomo

Built around the sixteenth century , the church is enclosed in single aisle and vaulted ceilings, presents various architectural elements…

Cinque Croci in ferro

I remember a mission of the Fathers Liguorini , these replaced in 1949 a wooden cross that stood on top…

Church Madonna del Carmine

Originally the chapel in honor of the Madonna del Carmine on the ground of the former convent , collapsed with…

Guglia di San Rocco

It rises on Piazza San Rocco, almost before all’monima church. It was completed around 1852. The work was offered for…

Casa Loreto

Casa Loreto is one of the great mansions of the city. In the historic center, a few steps from the…


Opened in June 2007, in the local town hall, the exhibition focuses on objects found in the necropolis in the…

Abbey of Goleto

St. William of Vercelli, consecrated monaco year 1100, was a pilgrim and hermit. He arrived in the plain of Goleto…

La Cattedrale di Bisaccia

The ancient Byzantine cathedral stood in the area between Old Largo Campanile and via Old Bishopric. Destroyed by the earthquakes…

Church Montecastello

In 1900 , following a series of dreams in which the Virgin is said to appear , they were initiated…