Each family in the area on his way with the sacrifice of the valley of Candriano to collect sand and…
Museo dell’Opera
The Museum of the Opera is on the first level of the building incorrectly said ‘castle’ and collects the finds…
St. Anthony Church
It dates from the seventeenth century, the small Church of St. Anthony , where he keeps a statue of St.…
Esposizione elementi lapidei di Casa Cecere
Area of the town hall once stood, until the earthquake of 1980, a mansion that belonged to Cecere, who followed…
Church Santa Maria del Carmelo
Eighteenth-century , it was attached to the convent of the Carmelites in 1652. He suppressed plant semicroce Greek since 1888…
Church Caputi
To Caputi is a brick church , dedicated to Our Lady , with a beautiful statue . The locals said…
Torre di Girifalco
It is probably the oldest part of the town of Torella, the name comes from the German word Geirfalk, ie…
La Cattedrale di Bisaccia
The ancient Byzantine cathedral stood in the area between Old Largo Campanile and via Old Bishopric. Destroyed by the earthquakes…