The Greatest Show of Water

The Foundation Together for… : organizes each year The Greatest Show dell’Acqua®, an extraordinary event of the natural oasis of Lake St. Pietro,…

Feast of Archangel Michael

The worship of the Archangel Michael was brought in Italy by Longobards. According to tradition, there is the pilgrimage to…

Blessed Virgin Maria del Carmelo

The Holy Virgin Maria del Carmelo feastivity is celebrated in Morra De Sanctis at mid-july, in the Church of the Carmine. The holiday…

Feast of Madonna del Carmine

The celebration in honor of Madonna del Carmine takes place annually in Piazzale dell‘Angelo of Torella dei Lombardi. The community…

Festivity of St. Michele

The festivity of St. Michele is celebrated in the town of Bisaccia during the month of May. It is a deeply felt…

Holiday St. Antonio da Padova

The festivity of St. Antonio da Padova on 13 June, celebrated with the traditional series of ‘the Tredicina’, the traditional daily prayer done in…

Blessed Virgin Mary of Montecastello

The festival in honor of the Virgin of Castle is very old. It is celebrated by about 100 years during…

St. Vito Martire

On the day of June 15 is celebrated St. Vito Martire, the young Christian who was martyred for the faith…

St. Gerardo Maiella

The devotion of morresi to St. Gerardo Maiella is very strong and, every year, is a traditional time for the…